Highest recognition of social entrepreneurship for CIRFOOD!
CIRFOOD has reached the third rung on the Social Entrepreneurship Performance Ladder (Prestatieladder Socialer Ondernemen, PSO). This is the highest rung on the ladder, CIRFOOD has worked hard in all its locations to reach it, and is extremely proud! The PSO, devised by research organisation TNO, is a scientifically based evaluation instrument and quality mark that objectively measures and discloses an organisation’s degree of social entrepreneurship. This independent assessment by a certification institute also shows that CIRFOOD offers high-quality employment to people who are disadvantaged in the labour market. Working sustainably, CIRFOOD makes an above-average contribution to social entrepreneurship, and ranks among the among the top ten per cent of companies in its size class in terms of social entrepreneurship performance.
Inclusive employment
People are central to our philosophy. CIRFOOD believes that genuinely caring for each other is the basis of a safe and dynamic society, and that everyone deserves a chance to find employment, even those who are unable to navigate the labour market in the standard way. We support the PSO’s goal of helping more people whose position in the labour market is vulnerable to find sustainable, high-quality employment. We are therefore proud that as a result of our commitment to being an inclusive and people-focused company, we have not only achieved the highly regarded PSO Rung 3 certification, but also exceeded our own expectations, having started with Aspirant status. It is a huge confirmation that we are on the right track.
Food, people and culture
CIRFOOD operates according to the core values of food, people and culture. People are the driving force behind society, and our employees are the beating heart of our company. They create a feeling of welcome, provide nutritious dishes, and add a dose of fun to the service. Our PEOPLE mission drives us every day to create an environment in which every employee feels valued and encouraged.
Supported by our incredible group of Cirfoodies, our partners, and our commitment to inclusion, we are determined to continue exceeding our wishes and creating a better future for all. Through the PSO process, we have become even more aware of our role in consciously sourcing products or services from social employment companies and/or other PSO-certified organisations. CIRFOOD not only facilitates jobs within our own organisation, but also encourages our suppliers and contractors to engage in social entrepreneurship.